Recipes For The Most Important Meal Of The Day

Tortilla Wrap

When you’re seeking recipes for the most important meal of the day, you may automatically think breakfast, right? Well, turns out, there’s debate about whether breakfast actually is the most important meal after all. But if you’re someone who needs a little morning fuel to get going, here are some dishes that you might enjoy.

Oatmeal-Glazed Breakfast Cake

If you’re looking for a healthy start to your day, skip this item. If you’re looking for a tasty and convenient item, read on, because this one checks both of those boxes. Cinnamon. Brown sugar. Cake. You’re mouth must be watering already.

Tortilla Breakfast Wrap

Are you a fan of egg and cheese omelets? This one might be right up your alley. It also includes spinach and ham, which of course there’s no law that you have to add them both if you’re not a fan. Add a little hot sauce and, mmm, mmm.

Scrambled Eggs With Herbs

When you’re looking for something that might stick to the ribs a little longer, scrambled eggs are always a good option. And when you add a few herbs you can add a nice, delicious flavor that is a perfect start to your day.

Avocado Toast

If you’re the kind of person who thinks guacamole on practically anything makes it better, then give avocado toast a try. It’ll only take you 10 minutes to prepare, so this breakfast shouldn’t be much of a delay if you’re in a hurry to get out the door.

Waffles With Blueberry Compote And Lemon Ricotta Cream

Here’s a nice, sweet way to start your morning. Due to the cooking time, you may want to try this first on a Saturday morning, but it’s sure to be a hit in your home.

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Suggested Calories At Breakfast

Remember always to look at the nutritional information on all your meals. For breakfast, most experts will suggest between 300-400 calories. Obviously this can change based on a variety of factors based on age, lifestyle, weight, and more. Ask your doctor about the best recommendation for you.

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