How To Keep The Sun From Ruining Your Car’s Paint

Man waxes car to protect it from the sun

We all know how important it is to protect our skin from the sun, but did you know that your vehicle’s paint needs protection too? Just like our skin can become damaged from overexposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays, the exterior paint on our vehicles can suffer from too much sunlight. So how do you mitigate the sun’s impact on your paint job? Read on for three useful tips for reducing sun damage.

Regularly Wash Your Car

Even if you only have time to drive through an express car wash, regularly washing your car can have a positive impact on maintaining your paint job. Washing your car doesn’t just make it sparkle in the short term, it can have several long-lasting benefits. For instance, did you know the sun can bake road debris, bugs, and dirt into your car’s paint if it isn’t washed off? If these contaminants are allowed to sit on your car’s exterior long enough they can form a chemical bond with the paint. If that happens, the contaminants will become etched into the paint. So, the first step to protecting your car’s paint is keeping it clean.

Wax On, Wax Off

Add automotive wax to your car wash routine to help protect your vehicle. The wax will add an instant sheen to your car and also help preserve your paint job by maintaining the clear coat over your vehicle’s paint. The clear layer on the top of your paint protects it from corrosive elements like dirt, tree sap, bird droppings, and ultraviolet rays. With those benefits in mind, make sure to apply a coat of wax after you’ve thoroughly washed and dried your car.

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Part in a Garage or Under a Car Cover

A final measure you can take to protect your vehicle’s paint from the sun is to limit the amount of sunlight it gets. You can’t avoid the exposure your car gets during your daily commute, but you should take measures to limit sun exposure once you’ve reached your destination. You can do that by parking your vehicle in a garage or under a carport that will block out UV rays.

As you can see, maintaining your paint job isn’t hard, and for everything else, you can rely on the service department at Thomasville Ford.  You keep your car sparkling and we’ll keep it running by handling everything from brake pad replacements to oil changes.

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