Explore Thomasville Like Never Before


If you’ve lived in or around Thomasville for some time, you may feel like you’ve seen and done pretty much everything there is to see and do around town. However, there are probably plenty of activities that you haven’t tried out yet. Therefore, you may want to set out to explore Thomasville in a whole new way. Learn about some of the quirkiest features in the city and take time to enjoy the beautiful aspects of the area that you may forget to pay attention to on an average day. Here are a few of the things you should check out in the town of Thomasville.

Take a Picture by the Big Oak

If you’ve seen this tree before, you probably know it. It’s the Big Oak, a live oak tree that is a whopping 327 years old. It may just be one of the most famous sites in Thomasville. And one of the coolest features about this place? There’s a Big Oak camera that will take your picture, which you can then share on your social media accounts. Sounds like fun, right?

Visit the Rose Garden & Cherokee Lake Park

Want to spend some more time outdoors? In that case, a trip to the Rose Garden and Cherokee Lake Park is definitely in order. At the Rose Garden, roses are in bloom most of the year because of the exceptionally warm weather in the area. It’s an amazing place to take pictures or even get ideas for your own garden. Then when it’s time to take a stroll, you can make your way to Cherokee Lake Park. There’s even a playground for kids if you want to bring your little ones along.

Stop by the Jack Hadley Black History Museum

When it’s time to step inside and learn more about the history of Thomasville, you should go to the Jack Hadley Black History Museum. This museum tells the story of the African-American heritage in the area and how it was deeply affected by the social and political movements of the time. You are going to leave having a deeper understanding of the history of the country and Thomasville as an individual town.

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Country Oaks Golf Course

Ready to play a round of golf with your friends? Just make your way to the Country Oaks Golf Course for a casual game or a competitive afternoon of fun. This beautiful golf course can’t be missed.

With so much to do in Thomasville, you have no excuse not to get outside and explore!

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