DIY Gift Ideas For Everyone

girl making Christmas presents

Anyone can grab a gift while they’re on a run to their local big-box store, or order one online. But there’s something about a homemade, personalized gift that’s really hard to beat.

From the Heart

There’s no mistaking the fact that when you sit down to create a gift specifically for a person, that gift contains something that no one else can give them: Your time. Creating something for another person is an incredibly genuine and selfless act. That’s one of the reasons they just mean more, and often handmade gifts are handed down to the next generation. Think about your Christmas tree ornaments. Many of the ones that mean the most are the ones that someone else gave you, or that you picked out with someone special. Creating a special ornament for someone makes sure that they’ll remember you every time they trim the tree.

Now You’re Cookin’

Another great idea is creating food for the people you love. Say no to the canned ham or prepackaged fruitcake. Those are likely to be re-gifted and unappreciated. Instead, you could do Christmas cookies or some other type of baked good. Yes, it’ll be gone soon, but the gift recipient will always remember those fudgy, gooey brownies you gave them. Or the chocolate truffles you created. Another plus: You’ll never worry that someone didn’t find a use for your Christmas gift!

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Unique Gifts

Regardless of what you choose to DIY for this gifting season, you’ll be leaving the recipient with a gift that’s unique. So take the opportunity to find something they really like — like the idea for splatter-painted bookends for your reading fanatic friends — or something else equally made with time, love, and tenderness. Because what matters the most is that you thought of the person. You know the old joke: “It’s the thought that counts — but what were they thinking?” With a DIY gift, that question becomes moot. Give something from the heart this Christmas season.

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