Take Your Furry Friend Camping This Year

Backpack hiking with a dog: staffordshire terrier sits next to a tourist backpack at a camping site.

Spending time in the great outdoors is one of those simple pleasures that it’s just hard to get enough of. Breathing in the fresh air feels amazing, and it’s nice to get a change of scenery now and then. But if your furry friend feels like a part of the family, you may not want to leave them at home when you decide to go camping. No worries. While it takes a little extra thought to bring your dog along, there are some easy tips and tricks on how to camp with your pets. You guys are going to have so much fun together!

Get a Clean Bill of Health

Before you take your dog on a trip, you want to make sure they’re in good health. After all, you don’t want Fido to get sick and ruin your camping trip, do you? Having a vet to check your dog is the best way to ensure that they have a clean bill of health. It will also help you make sure that they are up to date on their vaccinations and are protected from common parasites like fleas and heartworms.

Take Your Pup’s Personality Into Consideration

You know your dog best, and you know what they’re going to be up for. If you have a super-energetic puppy, you know that your dog will probably not love sitting by the campsite all day. On the other hand, an older pup with joint issues may not want to go on a 10-mile hike. Keep your dog’s personality, needs, and character in mind when planning your trip, and things are guaranteed to go a lot more smoothly.

Handle Your Pooch on the Campsite

While you love spending time with your dog, you will want to make sure that your pup doesn’t disturb the other guests that may be spending time near you. Of course, this means cleaning up after your dog after they go to the bathroom. It also means that you should keep your pup at your site – instead of running all around the campground.

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Pack What Your Pup Needs

Does your dog have any special medications that they need to take every day? What about favorite toys they won’t want to live without? Any blankets or items of comfort that they may want on their trip? Try to think of these things in advance so you can easily pack them with you.

With these tips, your next camping trip with your pet is going to be a blast.

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